Book Review

Bela Wolf is the acclaimed author of SHE WAS LEFT ALONE, a true story of how she kept her promise to adopt a little girl visiting from Northern Siberia during the little girl's Three-week sponsored visit to the USA. In her book Bela Wolf will talk about how she traveled throughout hostile areas of northern Siberia. Due to perceived cultural barriers she endured refusals of food, water and shelter many times to bring this terminally ill child back to the USA as her adopted daughter.

A truly dynamic story of how even when she feared for her life, after being labeled the "rich American" she didn't let anyone intimidate or influence her into turning around without her adopted daughter. She was offered lodging in the middle of a reclusive area of the woods. She slept in ground level rooms with unsecured windows and doors without locks. There was a lack of law enforcement presence when she was walking in areas without roads and street lights. She still courageously persevered while enduring the tortures of 70 degree below weather conditions.

 Against all odds Bela Wolf did whatever it took to keep her promise to a little girl and to bring her back to the USA as her adopted daughter. This is an emotionally moving story which shows with determination, faith, a deep level of compassion and love for a child a woman against all odds can move the earth. She hopes her book will inspire people. This incredible book could be adapted into a highly successful property.